Curse of the Scarab King is a Nintendo DS game that follows the adventures of a young archaeologist named Amelia, who discovers an ancient tomb belonging to an Egyptian pharaoh. However, upon opening the tomb, Amelia unwittingly unleashes a curse that brings the Scarab King back to life. Players must help Amelia navigate through treacherous puzzles, traps, and enemies as she tries to reverse the curse and save the world from the Scarab King’s wrath. The game features immersive gameplay, captivating visuals, and challenging levels that will keep players engaged as they unravel the mysteries of the ancient tomb. With its intriguing storyline and addictive gameplay, Curse of the Scarab King is a must-play for fans of adventure and puzzle-solving games on the Nintendo DS.
以下为本游戏其他语种名称:Ankh – Curse of the Scarab King
Ankh – Der Fluch des Skarabäenkönigs。
Der Fluch des Skarabaeenkoenigs (Germany).rar
看广告高速下载:Der Fluch des Skarabaeenkoenigs (Germany).rar
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