Tokyo Xanadu is an upcoming action-RPG being released by Falcom that primarily follows two 17 year old students from Morimiya High School, along with their classmates. When Kou Tokisaka stumbles upon Asuka Hiiragi fighting mysterious creatures known as 'Greed' he is thrown into a whole new world filled with action and danger.
Greed are creatures that wander complex labyrinths in the 'Other World,' coming in a variety of types, shapes, and sizes. Normal weapons from the real world are ineffective against them; only Soul Devices made from spirit particles that can hurt them. Entering the Other World is made possible by Eclipses, or special gates between the two worlds that can only be seen by 'The Qualified.'
Each character fights differently as they each use different Soul Devices which effect both attack speed and range. The most basic attacks used are Standard Attacks which are up close and personal, with well-timed button presses enabling players to pull off attack chains. Each character also has three different types of special Skills at their disposal – shooting, aerial, and power abilities. Shooting being long distance, aerial being mid-air, and power being charged up attacks.
Players can customize their Soul Devices from the settings screen, where you can modify each device using the items and raw materials picked up throughout their journey. You will be able to set your main weapon attribute, as well as learn new abilities and strengthen existing ones.
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