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PSV 加速世界VS刀剑神域 千年的黄昏 中文版游戏下载

加速世界VS刀剑神域 千年的黄昏


加速世界VS刀剑神域(Accel World vs Sword Art Online: Millennium Twilight)》是一款由万代南梦宫制作并发行的动作角色扮演类游戏,本作的游戏系统基于《刀剑神域:失落之歌》,设定在“ALfheim Online”的游戏世界中。

Transcending beyond time, where the accelerated and virtual world cross paths…

AW and SAO finally collide! Many playable characters from both titles will be making their appearance in the game! According to the author Reki Kawahara, this action RPG game runs seperately on an original storyline! Depending on situation, AW/SAO characters fought against and with each other all for sake of unveiling the mystery that shrouds the intertwined worlds…!

Form your very own trio party with favorite characters from AW and SAO and roam the world! Switch freely between party members with the 『GS Active Change Battle』 system during battle to perform seamless combination attacks!

PSV 中文版 Mai游戏本体(仅部分资源有DLC及补丁,并非全部资源都有DLC和补丁哦)(解压密码:shipengliang)
下载链接:加速世界VS刀剑神域 千年的黄昏[繁体中文][v2.03][DLC][Mai][3.65].rar

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