《命运石之门 精英版 STEINS;GATE ELITE)》是一款日系的视觉小说类冒险解谜游戏。位于秋叶原的小型古怪发明社团「未来工具研究所」,是由主角冈部伦太郎一手创立。其最新发明偶然地具备向过去传送邮件的功能。但也因此刮起了世界规模等级的阴谋漩涡,充满混沌的未来就此开幕。
Now, as Steins;Gate Elite, the game is fully remastered with animated scenes from the anime, creating a perfectly new, immersive experience. Follows a rag-tag band of tech-savvy young students who discover the means of changing the past via e-mail using a modified microwave. Their experiments in pushing the boundaries of time begin to spiral out of control as they become entangled in a conspiracy surrounding SERN, the organization behind the Large Hadron Collider, and John Titor, who claims to be from a dystopian future.
Fully Animated Adventure – Indulge in all the beautiful animation from 24 episodes of the Steins;Gate anime
A New Way to Time Leap – Experience the world of Steins;Gate with this remastered, ultimate version that features newly animated sequences for certain endings
Branching Storylines – Every choice you make has its own consequence, shifting the world line closer or farther from reaching 1% divergence, providing a multitude of animated endings
PSV 中文版 NoNpDrm游戏本体(仅部分资源有DLC及补丁,并非全部资源都有DLC和补丁哦)(解压密码:shipengliang)
命运石之门 精英版[PCSG01166][日版][汉化][NoNpDrm][依旧W如此].rar
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安装后打开显示“以下应用程序发生了错误。(C2-12828-1) STEINS;GATE ELITE”。已尝试重装过2次依然提示这个错误:/