Discover that in times of adversity, humans will go to any length to survive in GOD EATER: Resurrection.
Evil Takes All Forms – Take control of the newest recruit to Fenrir’s Far East Branch, a New Type God Eater with a rare ability to wield a variable God Arc that transforms between blade and gun form. Hack, slash and shoot your way through hordes of Aragami and extract evil at its core.
The Hunter Becomes the Hunted – Master Predator Style with charge, quick, combo, step and air variations on the God Arc’s devour ability.
Rediscover the World – Featuring over 100 hours of content, GOD EATER: Resurrection features an immersive story driven by deep character development, a robust battle system, and addictive mission based gameplay in a unique post apocalyptic setting.
Unite in the Fight for Humanity – Play with up to 3 additional players online to form a cooperative four man cell, perfect for taking on the most difficult of missions.
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