《块仔大逃脱》是一款平台式的益智游戏,游戏内容都是关于方块。方块名为 Tetras,它会以各种方式掉到玩家的身上,救下它们并获得它们的特殊能力。通过改变形状,Tetras 可以变为不同的 Terominos,用来填平坑洞,解决难题,以此方式到达位于等级另一边的传送门。
TETRA’s Escape is a platforming puzzle-game all about blocks. Blocks named Tetras and it is down to the players to all that they can, to save them and make the most out of their special ability. Via the means of shape-shifting, Tetras can turn into different Tetrominos and used to fill holes and master puzzles, in an attempt to reach the portal on the other side of the level.
But, don’t just go expecting a linear adventure, as sometimes crafting a staircase to the heavens is the only way to make it to the end, so if you dare to dream big and go block mad, you might just have what it takes to bring all the Tetra’s back home!
7 hours’ worth of content, which includes 64 levels to beat
Increasing difficulty
Conventional 3 star system with Bonus Trophy
Explanatory images to walk you through Tetra’s abilities
Original Soundtrack by Levi Bond
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