《壮汉海上漂流记》讲述三个魁梧的大胡子渔民摆脱平凡生活,寻求冒险的故事。游戏背景设定为 20 世纪初期的斯堪的纳维亚水域,通过三兄弟与各种民间传说怪物之间的遭遇铺开故事。您将扮演故事讲述者和指引人的角色,将三名笨拙英雄的传奇经历娓娓道来。通关一个故事之后,您可以再度启航,探索未知道路的新冒险。本作荣获SXSW玩家之声奖提名(2016 年),入围最佳冒险/角色扮演游戏决赛(2016 年 Intel Level 大赛),并入选国际节日和展览。
《壮汉海上漂流记 》是一款冒险解谜类手游,主人公分别是鲁莽的胡子,沉稳的胡子,勇敢的胡子,故事讲述的就是三个胡子在海里无意间找到了一个地图,三个胡子看不懂地图上画的是什么,他们问岛上的居民,可是没一个人回答他们问题的答案,于是就按照地图上的图标去探险。
One of TIME’s top ten games of the year, Burly Men at Sea is a folktale about a trio of large, bearded fishermen who step away from the ordinary to seek adventure.
Set in the waters of early 20th-century Scandinavia, the game's story branches through a series of encounters with creatures from folklore. You play as storyteller and wayfinder, shaping the narrative around three ungainly heroes. Play through once for a single tale, then set sail again to uncover paths to new adventures.
BRANCHING STORY: Play through multiple choice-driven adventures, each designed to be completed in a single sitting.
INNOVATIVE CONTROLS: Shape the narrative through a unique, draggable viewport and your interactions within it.
PLAYFUL AESTHETIC: Colorful art style with handcrafted animation, set to a whimsical original soundtrack inspired by the game’s Scandinavian setting.
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