数码宝贝世界 新秩序


本游戏中的数码兽也是寿命有限,玩家要思考如何在一定寿命内带著育成的数码兽来攻略迷宫。《数码兽世界》在 RPG 的结构上也和《数码兽物语》的构成差异很大。《数码兽物语》基本上是线性的故事走向,玩家带著怪兽成员一路通关,体验像小说一般的故事;《数码兽世界》则是要在开放的剧情线上,以中央的城镇为中心,自由决定顺序来一个一个解开卫星城镇的事件迷宫,并且发展中心城镇的规模。

包含进化後的型态,本作也将收录超过 200 种以上的数码怪兽,在一开始的故事可以培育出 60 种怪兽,随著故事的进行解锁 150 种左右。羽生制作人也笑道,他个人最喜欢的数码怪兽是 “女恶魔兽(レディーデビモン)”。当然,本作也会登场。

For the first time in the Digimon World series players will now be able to choose between a male or female protagonist, both of which are seniors at high school, default names Takuto & Shiki. Players will be able to customize the protagonists names.

The Digimon World series wouldn't be what it is without Partner Training! Digimon World: Next Order will be expanding upon it and the “Care” system by allowing players to care for, and adeventure with, two Digimon at the same time.

“ExE”-volution (usually displayed as “ExE”) is a new system that appears in Digimon World: Next Order where raising the bond power that players have with their partner Digimon will result in a miraculous evolution.

Digimon will also be much more dynamic in Next Order: on top of the initial announcement of facial expressions Digimon may also expect players to praise them after a successful battle, or even take the battle into their own hands if they see fit. A discipline element has also been added which allows players to select commands when neccesary, whether you praise or scold them is up to you!

Battles have undergone some large changes, most notably the introduction of the cheering mechanic which allows players to encourage certain tactics that your Digimon has chosen (or not chosen) to follow. After players have encountered an enemy they will be able to perform actions (items, tactics, Digimon selection) while their Digimon prepare for battle. Once the battle has begun players will be able to cheer on their digital friends, who will react to the encouragement.

PSV 中文版 Mai游戏本体(仅部分资源有DLC及补丁,并非全部资源都有DLC和补丁哦)(解压密码:shipengliang)


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