《死或生:沙滩排球3》是日本Koei Tecmo会社将要发行的一款少女游戏。
《死或生:沙滩排球3》是针对原版加入更多游戏模式玩法的全新游戏,该游戏将会在针对内容影像描绘,游戏性等大幅升级。上一代作品中深获好评的“沙滩排球 (Beach Valley)”进化至极速境界,加上白热化竞争的“水上竞赛”,能让玩家更充分享受超速快感,此外本做还将添加各种其他的休闲获得,玩家们将可以在这里体验到独特的南国风情!
After years of build up, Koei Tecmo has released the very first footage for Dead Or Alive Xtreme 3! Many gamers share fond memories of the previous iterations, especially the first title, Dead Or Alive Xtreme Volleyball, as this was indeed the reason why some of us originally bought the first Xbox.
Notorious in it's promotional material and absolutely unabashed at what this title is about, DOAX3 carries on the tradition of this spin-off by taking the girls of Dead Or Alive and pitting them in a no holds barred beach vacation filled with mini-games designed to showcase the new technological advances of the series. Apparently there is volleyball or something ;)
By using the upgraded Soft Engine 2.0 for the PS4 Version (an improved breast engine based off Dead Or Alive 5 Last Round) and the Soft Engine Lite (PS Vita Version), 4 main changes have been made to the character models. New skin shaders give off a realistic and healthy vibrancy, and breast physics have been fine tuned for maximum voluptuousness. As well, game changing booty physics have been fleshed out, along with the fact that no other game contains such realistic tanning. The main stay Camera Mode also returns.
There are 9 characters in the roster, selected based on a popularity contest where the results were announced during the Toyko Game Show 2015: Marie Rose, Honoka, Kasumi, Ayane, Kokoro, Nyotengu, Hitomi, Momiji, and Helena Douglas complete the roster, with no plans for DLC.
Finally, Dead Or Alive Xtreme 3 is a Japanese/Asian Region exclusive, although if a Western release happens, it will be an “adjusted” version. What this actually means though, is highly based on the assumption of censorship; in the meantime, this version is the only sure bet on the original xtreme experience.
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