
《某魔术电脑战机》全称《电脑战机 VIRTUALON X某魔术禁书目录 某魔术电脑战机》,是世嘉旗下街机名作《电脑战机》和人气轻小说《魔法禁书目录》合作的作新作品。感兴趣的玩家一定不要错过。


Get in the Virtualoid cockpit, take your weapon, and prepare for an ultra-violent-post-modern battle, because YES, Virtual-On has returned! InToaru Majutsu no Virtual-On, a new generation of 50-foot mechas are ready to battle hard, but this time they’ll be equipped with magical powers.

We’re not joking, indeed this new chapter is a crossover game with the light novel series “Toaru Majutsu no Index” published by Dengeki Bunko.

Use the combat systems strategically to reduce your challengers into a molten mass of twisted metal, more you’ll win and more money you’ll earn to develop and improve your machine’s parts and abilities to pilot the deadliest war machine into the heart of intense battles.

The main playable characters and Virtuaroids – A look at some Boost Weapon abilities, tutorial mode for new players, the “Smart” style that automatically locks-on and tracks enemies for you or the “Veteran” style that will have you manually lock-on enemies
Various missions, boss battles, the rugby-like Explosion Code mode, the Kill Attack mode where you face waves of enemies, and the Arcade Battle where you tune up your Virtuaroids to take on others
Network mode – Offers a variety of gameplay modes. There are cooperative missions where you team up with other players, online battles for 1v1 and 2v2 battles. There are Ranked Matches to compete with other players while climbing the rankings
Cross-save support between PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita – you can play at home or on the go to get your Virtuaroid action fix

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