Players are thrown into the shoes of 'Meta,' a cyborg girl, in her quest to rescue her Creator 'Dr Ray' from the hands of 'General Creeper,' the evil leader of a rogue army!!
To make matters worse, Metagal's sisters were also kidnapped by Creeper and he’s turned them all into battle cyborgs, in order to use their powers so that he can at last, rule the world!! With no other option, Meta must face her sisters, free them, and copy their abilities, if she wishes to take down save those she loves and the world.
Classic jump and shoot style platformer.
8 levels that each have their own unique environment, detailed designs and different gimmick.
30 Enemies types.
Powerful new weapons that can be obtained by defeating each Gal Boss.
Lots of secret collectible items that can be used to power up your character.
Unlockable new characters to play with, each come with their own powers and upgrades.
PSV 中文版 NoNpDrm游戏本体(仅部分资源有DLC及补丁,并非全部资源都有DLC和补丁哦)(解压密码:shipengliang)
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