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PSV 神秘海域 黄金深渊 中文版游戏下载

神秘海域 黄金深渊

《神秘海域:黄金深渊(Uncharted Golden Abyss)》是SCE旗下的著名冒险游戏神秘海域系列续作。


Uncover the dark secret behind the 400-year-old massacre of a Spanish expedition as Nathan Drake follows the murderous trail of an ancient and secret Spanish sect in Uncharted: Golden Abyss. Caught in the middle of a rivalry between Jason Dante — his old friend — and Marisa Chase — the granddaughter of an archaeologist who has mysteriously vanished without a trace — Nathan Drake races into the treacherous river basins, undiscovered temple ruins and karst caverns of Central America in search of a legendary lost city, only to find himself pushed to the edge of the Golden Abyss.

Developed by award-winning Sony Bend Studio, Uncharted: Golden Abyss is the portable system debut of the multi-million selling Uncharted franchise. The game offers a cinematic experience on-the-go complete with industry-leading motion capture, a rich storyline, highly-detailed environments, and special effects that truly captures the look and feel of the Uncharted universe.

Through utilizing the technology of the OLED screen, Uncharted: Golden Abyss delivers the signature Uncharted cinematic experience on-the-go.
Experience the adventure with intuitive, immersive controls as you touch, steer and tilt the NGP to snipe, swing, and jump. Traverse environments using front and back touch, and also control the movement of Drake on ropes and slides using the motion sensor.
Versatile gameplay for the Uncharted fan – Traditional (Dualstick Analog/button) or interactive allows players to choose the method that compliments their playing style.
Epic single player campaign that takes players through richly detailed realistic environments and undiscovered lands.

PSV 中文版 NoNpDrm游戏本体(仅部分资源有DLC及补丁,并非全部资源都有DLC和补丁哦)(解压密码:shipengliang)



神秘海域 黄金深渊[PCSD00001][港版][v1.03][NoNpDrm].rar

20200314 测试解压安装游戏正常。



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