铁汉雄鸡 火箭鸟

《火箭鸟:铁汉雄鸡》由新加坡华人团队Ratllop Asia制作最新3D横向卷轴动作过关游戏。游戏支持单人游戏,如果玩家有游戏手柄的话也支持键盘和手柄双人游戏。游戏自带繁体中文,在控制选项中选择语言环境。

游戏作为经典横轴冒险游戏来说是完全符合条件,但在战斗体验的创新方面略显不足。整个游戏的操作感确实为PS3专门改良,且考虑周到,十分适合手柄操作。但从本质来说,《Rocketbird》的游戏战斗体验并未跟上其在画面,场景等部分的进步。作为横向卷轴冒险游戏,《Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken 》游戏的一些核心元素其实过于基本,并无太多创新或特色。


Annihilate an evil penguin regime in Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken, a cinematic platform adventure game offering full solo and co-op campaigns updated and expanded to use the PS Vita system features.

Set out on a mission to assassinate the totalitarian penguin leader as Hardboiled Chicken. Solve Puzzles and destroy enemies with a slew of weapons and illuminate the secrets to his past while uncovering the real enemies of Albatropolis. Master fowl play in the co-op campaign as a pair of Budgie commandos on a mission to save the general’s daughter. Many lives will be destroyed, countless penguins will die!

Full Solo Campaign – 15 chapters, variety of weapons and puzzles
New Hardboiled difficulty setting where it’s time for some Stab-Action!
Full Online and Ad Hoc Co-Op Campaign – 10 chapters, 6 Budgie commando characters
Mini-stories – Uncover the truth about the totalitarian regime and Hardboiled's mysterious past through unlockable cut-scenes and music videos.

PSV 中文版 Mai游戏本体(仅部分资源有DLC及补丁,并非全部资源都有DLC和补丁哦)(解压密码:shipengliang)


铁汉雄鸡 火箭鸟[PCSG00185][日版][中文][v1.00][DLC][Mai].rar

看广告高速下载:铁汉雄鸡 火箭鸟[PCSG00185][日版][中文][v1.00][DLC][Mai].rar

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