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PSV DEEMO 古树旋律 最终演奏 中文版游戏下载

DEEMO 古树旋律 最终演奏

《DEEMO:最终演奏》是继《Cytus Lambda》后,Rayark旗下第二款移植至PS Vita平台的作品。 现代童话的画面风格与舒缓动人的钢琴曲是本作最大的特色。在体验钢琴演奏的同时游戏也为我们讲述了一个温馨的故事,本作在原作基础上增加了新的剧情章节“后日谈”,并将全部过场画面动画化。


Deemo is a rhythm game developed by the independent Taiwanese game developer Rayark Games, and was originally released on iOS and Android mobile platforms in 2013 and re-released in Japan on the PSVita in 2015. Last Recital for the Vita will include additional modes for cooperative and competitive play, an extra story exclusive to this version, and re-animated custscenes.

Each playable song (includes instrumental and vocal music from Taiwan, Japan, South Korea & Hong Kong) features three levels, each given a difficulty rating measured on a scale from 1 – 11. Players are also able to customize the speed of the notes before starting a level.

The title's plot centers around an unnamed little girl that has fallen from an open trapdoor in the sky, and the black, mysterious character named Deemo who plays piano music to grow a special tree sprouting from the piano in order to help the girl escape from the world. As the tree grows, various rooms of the structure open up for the girl, and the player, to explore.

PSV 中文版 NoNpDrm游戏本体(仅部分资源有DLC及补丁,并非全部资源都有DLC和补丁哦)(解压密码:shipengliang)
下载链接:DEEMO 古树旋律 最终演奏[PCSG00685][港版][中文][v1.05][DLC][NONPDRPM].rar

确认过了,剧情对话跟系统走的,有繁体中文。其他按钮,曲名,作者等没有中文。 绝大部分需要理解的地方都是有中文的。其他都是默认英文的说。



文中资源转载自 老男人游戏网 发布的:PSV 游戏资源


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