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PSV J群星 胜利对决VS+ 中文版游戏下载

J群星 胜利对决VS+

《J 群星胜利对决》是为了纪念集英社旗下漫画周刊杂志「周刊少年JUMP」创刊45 周年,以及漫画游戏复合志「V JUMP」创刊20 周年所制作的大乱斗型动作游戏。游戏中玩家将能操作两本杂志至今连载过的众多人气漫画作品登场角色,透过团队战斗来体验跨作品世代乱斗的乐趣。

Get ready to battle it out as the most famous manga and anime stars of Shonen JUMP magazine’s 45 year history in J-Stars Victory Vs+! Take to the arena as Son Goku or Vegeta from DragonBallZ; take down your friends in multiplay as Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece or your favourite Naruto characters, and advance through the brand new arcade mode as Ichigo Kurasowa from Bleach! Players will be spoilt for choice with a huge choice of 52 characters from 32 of your favourite shonen franchises. Anime and manga fans are guaranteed epic battles with the 2 vs 2 team battle system offering a real challenge for fighting fans as it combines tough, strategic and exciting special combos and attacks.

J-Stars Victory Vs+ celebrates the 45th anniversary of the Shonen Jump magazine and the 20th Anniversary of the V Jump magazine. The games invites fans and gamers to play as their favourite anime and manga characters and battle their way through different environments from their favourite series. Are you ready

PSV 中文版 NoNpDrm游戏本体(仅部分资源有DLC及补丁,并非全部资源都有DLC和补丁哦)(解压密码:shipengliang)





文中资源转载自 老男人游戏网 发布的:PSV 游戏资源


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