刀剑神域 虚空幻界

《刀剑神域:虚空幻界(Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization)》是一款由NBGI制作的动作角色扮演类游戏,游戏剧情延续前作「无限瞬间」和「失落之歌」,玩家将跟随桐人一行人进入新游戏「Sword Art Origin」的世界,在重开机的「艾恩葛朗特」展开新的冒险。

由于本篇为《刀剑神域:虚空断章》 的续作,平八野谕直言 “没有收录飞空的玩法”,但取而代之的是更加丰富的 “拟似 MMORPG” 要素。真正的 MMORPG 游戏虽然可以线上多人同游,不过相对的用户在 MMO 里面扮演一个普通人物,不容易取得英雄般的代入感。

但在《刀剑神域》游戏强调单人游玩的拟 MMORPG 体验中,玩家可以扮演英雄角色「桐人」,和众多的 NPC “女性伙伴” 一同组队在原野上以动作 RPG 的方式遇敌战斗。

本作特别的是,其它 NPC 角色会 “看着你” 的,城镇的 NPC 都会视你为英雄来注目著你,一同组队的女性伙伴也会积极帮助玩家。MMO 游戏就是分配职业来增进练功效率,但单机游戏玩家则可以扮演勇者。《刀剑神域 虚空幻界》则是介于这两者之间,可以扮演勇者和众多 NPC 角色互动,甚至邀请他们一同组队。

A brand new story created under the watchful eye of the original author of Sword Art Online novels, Reki Kawahara.

An SAO world to immerse yourself in: Dense, highly-detailed and dynamic environment will welcome you into a rich adventure. The setting, and your journey through this world, will continue to evolve as you explore this new virtual universe.

Intense and strategic gameplay: Comprehensive RPG gameplay perfectly matched with strong action elements. Approach monsters and characters head on as you charge through this new adventure and compelling story. Experience the intense battles of Sword Art Online with explosive, rewarding attacks.

A new original story – With a story supervised by Reki Kawahara, SWORD ART ONLINE –Hollow Realization– tells its own unique tale, one that will haunt and delight longtime fans as well as those discovering the expansive Sword Art Online universe for the first time

Old friends, new mysteries – Explore this new world of Ainground with Asuna, Leafa, Silica, Klein, and other old friends to discover the reason they’ve been brought back

Thrilling gameplay – A new battle system brings the excitement of an MMO to the single player experience

Robust online multiplayer – Play online with your friends

PSV 中文版 Mai游戏本体(仅部分资源有DLC及补丁,并非全部资源都有DLC和补丁哦)(解压密码:shipengliang)


刀剑神域 虚空幻界[港版][中文][v3.20][DLC][Mai][3.65].rar

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