刀剑神域 失落之歌

《刀剑神域失落之歌 黑衣剑士失落之歌》是《刀剑神域》系列作品,保留了经典的玩法元素,同时玩家可以和原作一样在天空中飞行。玩家们将会跟随桐人一行人开启惊险地冒险,过程中自然会遇见各种艰难困境,需要大家齐心合力才可立克难关,况且还有多元化的元素内容等待着诸位前去体验,因此切莫错过了!

时间背景大约是SAO篇章结束之后,在新生ALO里新增加了一个大陆“Swarf ALfheim”。桐人等人的任务目标,就是攻略这个未知地区。在这片新大陆上,光与暗交织,也将会产生新的故事。Swarf ALfheim浮游大陆,这个新大陆是由多个浮游大陆组成,每个浮游大陆的环境各不相同。首次公开的有草原地区、冰山地区和沙漠地区三种。“第一之岛 浮岛草原鲍克林迪”——浮岛草原是Swarf ALfheim浮游大陆之一。在这座岛上,四处都是风车一集巨大的建筑物,如果在这里飞行,感觉非常好。战斗系统方面本次将会是完全即时的战斗,据制作人说这次不会有类似自动攻击的系统,完全是按一下打一下,而攻击手段也多种多样。

Lost Song will include a completely original story which will primarily involve the exploration of “Svart Alfheim”, a new area of ALfheim Online comprised of a series of floating continents close to the World Tree. The game will skip past the Fairy Dance arc.

For the first time in the series, players will be able to play as characters other than Kirito. However, it has yet to be decided whether players will be able to create their own custom characters or not. Parties of up to three characters may be formed, up from two in the prior games. In keeping with being set in ALfheim Online, players will be able to fly as well as walk on the ground. However, walking within dungeons will be mandatory. Auto-attacks will be disabled while in flight mode, but players may instead target individual parts of an enemy's body as they see fit. In addition, this game will add the ability to use magic to attack enemies or to provide support to one's party. The game will be the first in the series to allow for four-person online multiplayer.

A New Story – An original story based on Alfheim Online coming with new characters, environments and quests

Strategic Gameplay – Partnered with others characters to attack strategically enemies

Aerial Battle – Experienced 360° battle in the air like in the anime

Various Weapons – Many weapons are available and offer each, new way of defeating enemies

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